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Episode 1
The Amulet

Scene 1 - The Train




VOICES on the train, people MOVING around, and announcements. The train is busy.

CHARLIE PEMBROKE takes out his phone and opens a voice note.



(Professional, serious)


This is voice note 001, for case number FA7638. Yesterday I received a letter from Anna. It was pretty odd because I haven’t heard from her since our university days, in Stirling. It was also odd because she sent a letter, a physical written letter, right to my door. I can’t remember the last time I received a real letter that wasn’t a bill or a coupon for a local shop. Anyway, the letter read thus:

Dear, dear Charlie,

It has been far too long since Stirling and the final night prom. I do hope you are well. 


Fade in to ANNA FORESTER. Anna is soft spoken and sultry. Almost flirty.




It has been far too long since Stirling and the final night prom. I do hope you are well. I heard about your leaving the force, I should have gotten in touch then but I thought it best to leave you alone, in case there was a reason you stopped talking to me all those years ago. I thought it better to write, like we used to when we slipped those notes under each others dorm room doors. 

You can also ignore this easier, claim you never received it, if you want to. 


Voice changes to a professional tone.


On to business, I’m working in a museum in Fort Augustus. Who would have thought I would have ended up in a tiny Scottish village, but here I am. The museum has had an unfortunate break-in, well a robbery. An amulet, that had been loaned to us, has been stolen and is missing. The local police have ran out of ideas and I thought, given your career and work as a detective, you might be able to help me out (for a fee of course). There are no leads but I can give you access to everything we have. Hopefully, you can come to visit and help me out. I’ll cover your travel and full board. Even if you can’t solve it it would be good to see you again.

All my love, Anna





So here I am, on a train to Inverness and heading toward Fort Augustus. I should arrive around midday. I’ve been booked into the Tuath na Marbh Inn. I looked it up online and it seems comfortable enough. Shouldn’t be too busy this time of year either, tourists haven’t arrived yet. Which should make the case easier. Fewer people to have robbed the museum, likely it will be someone who knows the place, a local. We shall see. 




Scene 2 - The Inn




Door OPENING. Background NOISE from the bar through a glass door, multiple people TALKING. CHARLIE arrives.





 Good afternoon.





Afternoon, mate. Give me a sec.


He DROPS some luggage into a room behind reception. The door behind reception OPENS and then CLOSES.



(Pleasant but harassed)


Sorry bout that, mate. What a day. Not even the season yet but always plenty to do. I’m Noah, welcome to the Tuath na Marbh. It means land of the dead so we hope you get a dead good sleep,





(Sympathetic, tired)


Yeah, good one.

I have a room booked, under the name of Pembroke.





Right, Pembroke, Pembroke, 


Papers SHUFFLED on the desk. Noah PICKS a key from a bunch on the desk.


Pembroke. Ah yeah, here it is. Booked by our Anna.


Oh, you’re Charlie. Anna’s ... friend. Come to see her for the week, I hear.



(Tired and grumpy)


Well, here on business but Anna asked me to come up. How do you know her?



(Trying to be cheerful)


Everyone knows everyone up here. Got to, it’s a small place and quiet over the winter. We look after each other. Got to. What are you visiting for?





Some business with the museum. She wanted me to take a look.





It’s her pride and joy, she’s done so much to the place and the tourists love it. Especially the Americans, they love a bit of tartan and tat.











You know, tourist crap. Little fluffy Loch Ness Monsters, Tartan notebooks, you know, anything to do with Highlands. They love it.





They sell that stuff at the museum?





By the bucketload but it’s the family tartan bit that they love to see. Nothing better than going home to the US and saying your family were Highlanders and you’re related to William Wallace. The family tartan bit has brought in loads of people. 

(Noah’s tone drops slightly, hinting at something unsaid)

That exhibit’s been a real lifeline. Helped the museum … helped a lot of us round here.





So, it’s been good for business?





Yeah... yeah, it’s kept things going. People come, they stay longer, they tell their friends. It’s been busier than ever during the summer, thanks to Anna. A real boost for the whole town.



(Inquisitive, trying to dig for more)


She’s well liked, then?



(Excited, happy to share)


Oh yeah, like family to most of us around here. Don’t know what we’d do without our Anna.





Sounds exactly like the Anna I know.



(Cheerfully thinking of Anna)


She’s an angel. 


Anyway, here’s your key. Number 4. It’s down the corridor there and then up the stairs. First door on your right. Breakfast is between 7 and 8am. There’s tea and coffee in the room. Let me know if you need anything else, you can phone down or come and ring the bell. Myself or the wife will be around, that’s Mora, the wife. Anyway, have a nice time with Anna, she’s a lovely girl and as I say let me know if you need anything. I’m always around.


Charlie LIFTS his bag and he and Noah WALK through the carpeted corridor of the hotel.




Scene 3 - Fort Augustus Street




Town AMBIENCE: cars DRIVING, people WALKING and TALKING, birds CHIRPING. CHARLIE WALKING on the concrete pavement.



(Voice shaking slightly, urgent but holding back emotion)


Excuse me.

(Pause, breathing unsteady)

Excuse me.



(Distracted, in his own reverie)





(Hurried, a bit frantic)

Ha... Have you seen Jamie?


She SHOVES a paper into Charlie's hand before he can fully respond.



(Grumpy, glancing at the paper)


I, er...



(Almost pleading, her voice breaking as stress mounts)


He’s my son. He’s been missing... a week now.

(A pause, her tone shifts slightly, a flicker of guilt)

He’s—he’s a good boy... or, I thought so. Maybe... Maybe he’s in trouble. I don’t know.

(Quieter, almost as if convincing herself)

But he wouldn’t just leave, not like this. Would he?



(Sympathetic now, softening)


Ma’am, are you okay? I understand your son is missing, but... you seem very upset. I just arrived today. I’m sorry your son is missing. If I hear anything, I’ll call the number, okay?



(Distant, as if speaking to herself)


I—I should have seen it coming.

(Pauses, as if remembering)

He was... obsessed with those old books, the abbey, the museum—talking about things that don’t make sense. I didn’t want to believe... I ignored it. Maybe if I’d just...

(She trails off)



(Patiently, concerned)


I know. I’m sorry. Do you need help?



(Tired, worn down but hiding a flicker of mistrust)


I—I don’t know anymore. I’m not sure who can help.

(Her tone hardens slightly)

But if you hear anything... anything, call me. Please. Thank you.



(Under his breath, a bit confused)


Robbery and a missing person... Quite a week for a holiday town out of season.


Charlie continues WALKING up the street.




Scene 4 - The Museum






Good afternoon, I’m looking for Anna Forrester.



(Polite, cheerful)


One moment.


Claire PICKS up the phone, DIALLING, she TAPS her pen on a pad of paper.



(Polite, cheerful)


Oh, Anna.

(Pause as she listens)


Your eh ... visitor has arrived.


She PLACES the phone back in the cradle



(Polite, cheerful)


She’ll be out in a moment.


Claire types at her computer, her nails TAPPING on the keys, A door SOFTLY OPENS. ANNA WALKS toward Charlie.



(Friendly with a touch of excitement)


Hello stranger.



(Cheerful but unsure how she will respond)


Anna, it’s so good to ...


They HUG.





God, it’s been so long, what twenty years?





That long, really?





It is good to see you, you’re looking so well.



(Friendly with a hint of more)


You too, you look ... 







Come through to the office, it’s a little more private.

They WALK across the carpeted floor, Anna’s office door softly OPENS.





Take a seat on the sofa.


Door CLOSES, Charlie SITS, then Anna SITS.



(Genuinely excited)


So, how did you end up here?





Well, there’s not a lot you can do with a heritage and tourism degree except this kind of work. I loved Stirling,

(Reminiscent, slowly, remembering)

The rolling hills, the forests and the history of the place is incredible. I had a few jobs leaping around different museums up and down the country and then a job came up here. You know I can’t resist Scotland and the place is so beautiful. The canal just outside, the history of the place. Did you know the Jacobite rebellion of 1715 was started here, the political makeup of the country could have been vastly changed, and it started here. The Abbey’s also amazing. It’s been here since the 19th century, before that it was an 18th century fort. That’s what the town’s named after. The fort of Fort Augustus. A lot of heritage and a lot of tourism. It’s nice and quiet this time of year though.


How have you been, you’re a Private Detective now.





Yeah, nothing as exciting as you. I joined the police straight from university, as you know. Then left sixteen years later. The job got tougher and the pay got scarcer so

(Pause, considering his answer)

I setup on my own.





Must be exciting.





You would think so. It’s actually a lot of cheating husbands and children looking for an inheritance.

(Pause realising he is moaning)

But it pays well and keeps me busy. Your case is a change of pace for me, though. Haven’t looked into a robbery for a while. What happened?



(Surprised by the change of conversation)


Well, we have an exhibit that was put in just after the new year. It’s focused on the history of the Mar family.


The Jacobite uprising I told you about earlier. Do you know much about it?



(Genuinely clueless)


I have no idea, history was never my thing.





Well, it started with the Glorious Revolution in the 17th century. King James II, who was also James VII in Scotland,

People ARGUING, as in the house of commons.

Was deposed by his own daughter Mary and his son in law William of Orange, they reigned as joint monarchs until their deaths. James was a catholic and our monarchs, as you might know, are protestants.


Church noises, saying mass, etc

As you can imagine the two didn’t mix, how could you have a catholic monarch as head of the protestant Church of England, it didn’t work and Mary, his daughter, took the crown. Now we have James in exile in France and Mary and William in England ruling over Britain.


Some people wanted James back and one of those people was John Erskine, Earl of Mar. His family were the oldest noble house in Britain.

People ARGUING, as in the house of commons.

At the end of the 17th century Scotland was independent but moving closer to England. A peace was established in 1707 with the act of union which brought Scotland and England together politically, in a pact that has lasted till today.

(Pause, excited, she is getting into a rhythm)

Queen Anne, Mary’s sister dies and George I inherits the throne but the questions of who should succeed Anne had not gone away, there were many who wanted an independent Scotland and James on the throne as the legitimate king.

On the 6th September, 1715, the Earl of Mar raised the standard of James VII in Braemar and started the Jacobite uprising of 1715. It was eventually quelled and George I reigned until 1727. The succession question remained until Bonnie Prince Charlie led an unsuccessful rebellion in 1745 but, as you know, the question of independence still hangs over Scotland.



(Professionally, he is focused on the facts)


Okay, but what about the robbery.



(Playfully disappointed)




Are you not excited about history of your country?

(Emphasising each event, trying to convince him)

Kings, rebellions, fighting for the soul of a nation.



(Genuinely apologetic)


I’m sorry, i’ve never been one for history but it is interesting and you’re so passionate about it.



You make it interesting.




(Not quite believing he is genuine)


Okay, Charlie.

(Intake of breath)

Well, two weeks ago I locked up the museum as normal. Went home and everything was fine. Came in in the morning and went for my walk around. In the Mar display the glass cabinet had been opened and the only item missing was the amulet. The alarm hadn’t sounded but it was on, we confirmed this with the company that manages it. None of the doors were broken or windows smashed but there was evidence of scratches on the lock of the door of the delivery bay. Absolutely nothing else had been touched. No fingerprints and the police forensics team found nothing. Total mystery.


Fort Augustus is quiet this time of year and there is almost no crime anyway, not like this. We have no idea.





What about staff? There’s you and the woman on reception, erm ...






Claire. There’s also Jamie, who volunteers for us and works every few months.



(Slightly surprised)


Is that it, that’s not many staff.





We’re a small charity museum, Charlie, this isn’t the National Museum.





Okay, sorry, who was the Police Officer in charge? Do you have a contact?





A contact.

(Pause, exasperated)

Charlie, it’s a tiny police station, there’s only four of them but it was Grace, Grace Bennett was our contact.



(Placating and feeling foolish)


Okay, okay, it’s a small place, Fort Augustus.




You’re a city boy, it’s alright. You’ll get used to it.





I’m sure I will.



Do you have CCTV in the museum?





Well, we do, but it wasn’t running on that night, which is ...


strange. We’ve had the system for years and the first time there’s a problem we get robbed. It can’t be a coincidence but we don’t know how they did it. Whoever it was must have known how to disable the system without the company knowing.



(Thoughtful with some suspicion)




Did the police, sorry, Grace. Find out anything about the alarm?





She said that it looked like the file was missing for that night, from about 2am till 4am. It’s all held on a cloud storage device so someone must have hacked the system or logged into it to delete the file or stop the CCTV.





Who on staff could log into the system?





I was the only one with access. We hardly used it, as I said.






No crime, right.










Okay, was the amulet owned by the museum?





No, it was gifted to our Permanent Collection by James Ramsey. He’s the


representative, is suppose, erm, the best title, yeah, the representative of the Mar family. He lives on a farm, just out of town.





Is he a member of the family?





No, the current Countess of Mar is a peer.


Of the House of Lords


And a goat farmer.








(Matter of fact)


She lives in Worcestershire, i’ve never seen her.







Let’s start with the staff. We have you, Claire and Jamie.  Jamie’s a volunteer and he’s only here occasionally, right?





Yeah, he comes in every month or so, we haven’t seen him for a few weeks. He lives and works up at the Abbey, in the library I think. He’s a nice guy, quiet and really keen.


CRUMPLED paper in a pocket, Charlie UNFOLDS it and reads.





What’s that?





A woman gave it to me outside, is this Jamie?






Oh god,


He’s missing? He doesn’t have a schedule here, he, eh, I had no idea.





His mother was on the street handing out leaflets. She was quite upset, a bit confused.







God, she must be distraught. I’m going to go and see her.


Chair MOVING and jacket being TAKEN from the back of a chair. WALKING on carpet.





Just now.





Yes, just now, she’s a friend.





Alright, I’m sorry Anna. It’s awful. Has he gone missing before?



(Rushed as she leaves)


Not that I know of, he’s pretty reliable and a good kid. Look, I’ve got to go, see if I can help her out.





Okay, mind if I tag along?





Can you speak to her later? She’s a good friend and I want to chat with her. God, why didn’t she say anything?





Alright, mind if I talk to Claire while your out?





Go ahead, i’ll see you later, okay.





(Quietly, to no-one)


See you.


Charlie TAKES a recorder from his pocket and TURNS it on.





This is voice note 002, for case number FA7638. Okay, let’s recap. An amulet is missing, the amulet was on lease from James Ramsey on behalf of the Mar family. A peer in the government, need to be careful there, but I wonder if it was insured? By the museum or the family? Museum CCTV turned off, three staff, one currently missing, also worked at the Abbey, how long has been missing?



Paper being UNCRUMPLED.


Nearly a week ago. How did Anna not know if she is friends with Elena?




Scene 5 - Interview with Claire




Door OPENS, CHARLIE WALKS back across the carpeted reception, CLAIRE is TYPING on a keyboard, SWINGING on her swivel chair.



(Polite, professional)


It’s Claire, isn’t it? Do you mind if we have a quick chat?


Door CLOSING, distantly



(Polite, cheerful)


Hello, I saw Anna go, is everything alright?





Claire, i’m sorry to tell you this but Jamie is missing. His mum, Elena was handing out leaflets and she was quite worried. I’m sorry if that’s news to you.





Oh ...


That’s awful, he’s such a nice boy. Is that where Anna rushed off to?








(Thinking to herself)


I hope they find him soon. He has gone off before so he might just be at a friends. He likes, erm,


You’re not the police, are you?





No, i’m not the police. I’m a private citizen who investigates, that’s all.





Okay. He likes to smoke, you know smoke smoke. Occasionally. And last time he went missing he was with some friends he met in a caravan up near Inverness. He had forgotten what day it was and had been missing for work at the Abbey.





He’s been missing for a week. Has he been gone for that long before?





I don’t think so, I don’t know him that well outside of work, so maybe.



(Realising Claire is worried about speaking freely)


I need to speak to you about the robbery, has Anna explained who I am?



(Cheerfully hinting something more)


The private eye friend from university, she said. How do you become a private detective?





A lot of years on the force and then a need to pay the mortgage.





Less exciting than the movies.



(Thinking about the boredom of the job)


Hmm, yeah, it’s not that exciting.



(Professional, cheerful)


So, how can I help?





Just a couple of questions about the robbery. What was stolen?



(Realising what this is about)


Oh, the Mar amulet, from the permanent collection, Anna noticed it was gone in the morning. No obvious break in, CCTV not working. Crazy.





Were you working on either of the days?





Yes, i’m five days a week. I finish at 6 and Anna was here till late, she usually works late. I came in in the morning, around 9am, and Anna was here with the police already.





Do you live in the village?





Yes, just along the road, that’s what I like about it here. You can walk everywhere and I can lie in bed longer in the morning.





What’s Anna like to work with?



(Cautiously but cheerful)


We’ve worked together for a few years and she is lovely. She always helps me out and she is super patient with me. I find the computer difficult and sometimes I make little mistakes but she never minds. She’s always good with time off too, if I need to go to an appointment for hair or the dentist, or something, she always lets me go. She brings coffee and a pastry some mornings and at Christmas she covers the night out. She’s a really nice boss to me.





To you? Would Jamie say the same thing?



(Surprised, cheerful)


Sure, he’s not in very often, once or twice a month. He’s up working at the Abbey library most of the time, he just likes history and helping out sometimes. She always gets him a coffee and pastry too. They chat sometimes and seem to get on really well.





Have you got any time off booked?





Nope, my next holiday is in a few months. I prefer taking time off when the weather is a bit better. We don’t take too much time off in the summer because of the tourists, an occasional day maybe.





Perfect, you’ve been very helpful, thank you, Claire. Enjoy the rest of your shift, hopefully it picks up a bit.





Thanks, Charlie. See you later.


Charlie leaves the museum, electric door OPENS, AMBIENCE of town builds.




Scene 6 - The Inn - Part 2




Ambient pub NOISES carry into the reception area. The outside Door OPENS and the AMBIENT TOWN NOISE mingles with the noise of the bar.



(Tired and weary)


Evening, Charlie. How are you?





Good, thanks Noah. Busy night?



(Laughs, but there's an undercurrent of weariness)


Few locals, nothing too rowdy ... yet. Always a bit of life around the place, even if we could do with a bit more, eh?





Well, I’ll be out of your hair for now.I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast, long day.



(With a tired but genuine smile)


Good night, mate.


Charlie walks along the hallway, the floorboards CREAK as he walks up the stairs. He TAKES the room key from his coat pocket and TURNS the door key. The door OPENS slowly.





Oh God, what the hell.


The door CLOSES slowly behind him and his FOOTSTEPS echo in the small room as he WALKS cautiously around. There’s an odd stillness, broken only by the faint CREAK of the floor beneath him. Charlie’s breath quickens as he reaches for the phone on the nightstand.




Police please.


Good evening, I would like to report a robbery.



Glasgow, Scotland, ML6

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